Seeing one of our GP's for WorkCover can have several benefits. WorkCover is a workers' compensation insurance system that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work.

One of the main benefits is that they can assess and diagnose your injury or illness, and provide you with the necessary treatment and rehabilitation plan. They can also provide advice on how to manage your injury or illness, and help you to return to work as soon as possible.

Another benefit  is that they can provide you with a medical certificate that can support your claim for compensation. This can help to ensure that you receive the appropriate benefits and support that you are entitled to.

In addition, we can refer you to other healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, or psychologists, who can provide further treatment and support.

Moreover, our GP's can provide ongoing monitoring of your condition and ensure that your treatment plan is effective. They can also liaise with your employer and the insurance company to ensure that you receive appropriate benefits and support.

In addition to medical treatment, we can also provide advice on workplace adjustments or modifications that may be necessary to help you return to work safely and without aggravating your injury or illness.

Furthermore, we can help to ensure that your rights as an employee are protected. We can advise you on your legal rights and obligations, and can help you to understand the process of making a claim and receiving compensation.

Overall, seeing one of GP's for WorkCover can provide you with a range of benefits, from medical treatment and rehabilitation to legal and workplace advice. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have been injured at work, in order to ensure the best possible outcome for your health and wellbeing.

Doctors with a special interest in workcover

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